Musique et arts de la scène

French Rendez-Vous|SCHWAB SORO

Late 2011, the idea of an unusual duet comes to the mind of those two musicians, playing together for a few years already - from their studies in the conservatory of Paris to Ping Machine Orchestra, founded by the guitarist Frederic Maurin.They both speak the same language, pursuing the same spontaneity : poetry is the cornerstone of their debates. Their compositions are brief and blunt, inspired by Raphael Schawbs writing, which becomes an improvisation’s canvas they share with their audience through suspended moments of grace, humor, and after all, music.

Raphael Schwab graduated form the Conservatoire of Paris and titulary of the CA of Jazz Musician interpret, improviser and composer, he is taking part to numerous project of various styles, from jazz (with the Big Band Ping Machine) to contemporary music (with Le Balcon’s orchestra) but also classical music and performing Arts (Patrick Chamblas’s « Né dans un piano »). It’s been five years that he’s part of a duet with Julien Soro, saxophonist, to which he is the initiator and for which he composes. The second opus of Schwab Soro duet (Volons ! Neuklang, 2016) was just released and was warmly welcomed.

Jazz First Price with High Honors of the Conservatoire National Suéprieur de musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), Julien Soro is one of the most talented young musicians of his generation. He started as leader of the sextet Inama then sideman with the trombonist Glenn Ferris and in Louis Chautemps and François Janneau’s quatuor of saxophonists. In 2009, he founded the quartet Big Four with which he releases four opus. He also plays for Schwab Soro duet, he’s part of Kami Quintet - then Octet of Pascal Charrier, and finally joins the Ozma quintet, with which he goes in international tours since 2015 (Germany, Central Europe, Colombia, Asia)

Date de publication: 13 décembre 2018